WWII Memorial

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The City of Corunna WWII Monument Hugh McCurdy Park

Monument History: In April of 1945, Mayor of Corunna Lee Janssen named a committee consisting of Alderman Harry Eldridge, who was appointed as chairman along with Fern Strawsine, Chas. W. Taphouse, E. D. Devereaux, and Sheriff Ray Gellatiy for the purpose of erecting a handsome and suitable Honor Roll bearing the names of the Corunna boys and girls who were in the service of their country and also the names of the sons and daughters of the families who are getting their mail out of this city.

The members of the committee came to an agreement with the Younkers Memorial Co. of Lansing for the erection of a Kentucky Stone Memorial with the names of the young men and ladies sandblasted into the stone at the cost of about $2,500. 

On May 7th, 1945, at a meeting of the Corunna Council, it was moved by Wallace and supported by Walker that an Honor Roll for servicemen and women from Corunna be erected at McCurdy Park with a vote of all yeas.

On November 11th, 1945 (Armistice Day), a ceremony was held to dedicate said Honor Roll, which was "Erected in Honor Of the Men and Woman of Corunna And Vicinity Who Served in World War II."

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