4th of July Commission

The Current Membership is as follows:

Angie Fernette Property Owner - President afernette@yahoo.com
Richard Sliwa Resident rwsliwa@yahoo.com
Merilee Lawson City Assessor/Planner mlawson@corunna-mi.gov
Michelle Bradley Activities & Events Director mbrad107@yahoo.com
Connie Brown Non-Resident cjbrownrd@aol.com
 Steve Delong Non-Resident  stevenrdelong@frontier.com
 Mike White Non-Resident - Car Show  midmichiganmonument@gmail.com
 Chuck Kerridge Past Mayor   ckerridge@corunna-mi.gov



MEMBERSHIP: 7 or 9 - All at Large

RESTRICTIONS: No Councilperson or Mayor, All at Large - No Residency Requirements

TERM OF OFFICE: Indefinite

APPOINTMENT: By Council upon recommendation of Manager

AUTHORITY: City Code 2-232, Council Rules of Procedure

REGULAR MEETING DATE: 3rd Wednesday at 6:30pm - Community Center (Lower Level)

**All meetings are subject to Open Meetings Act requirements. Meeting must be posted in advance on the city calendar and notices must be sent at least two days prior.**

ATTENDANCE: Any Commissioner absent 2 consecutive meetings or 25% of regular meetings in a calendar year, without prior written approval by the City Manager, will be  considered for removal from the commission. All absences shall be recorded in the meeting minutes.

MINUTES: Proposed minutes are to be submitted to members within 10 days of the meeting. Approved minutes are due to City Hall with 2 days of approval.

EMAIL MINUTES TO: jmorence@corunna-mi.gov and stout2737@gmail.com